Toksyczność bojowych środków trujących dla ryb

12 03 2024
Kategoria: Seminarium IM
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium instytutowe: w poniedziałek 18 marca o godz. 14.00 mgr Wojciech Wilczyński z Zakładu Mikrobiologii i Biotechnologii Środowiskowej przedstawi seminarium pt. „ Toksyczność bojowych środków trujących dla ryb ”.
Abstract: During the 20th century, over half a million tons of chemical weapons were discarded into the world’s seas. Munitions deposited at the sea bottom have begun to corrode, releasing their contents – chemical warfare agents – into the bottom waters and sediments. There is an urgent requirement for assessing the environmental risks linked to the release of these chemical warfare agents. In order to achieve this, it is crucial to obtain real-data measurements regarding the toxicity of these compounds to aquatic organisms. My studies marked the pioneering effort in experimentally quantifying the toxicity of several chemical warfare agents to fish.