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Model infekcyjny prototekozy

Kategoria: Seminarium IM

Zapraszamy serdecznie na seminarium instytutowe: w poniedziałek 13 marca o godz. 14  mgr  Angelika Proskurnicka z Zakładu Mikrobiologii Medycznej wygłosi seminarium pt. „Infection model of protothecosis”.



The Prototheca genus comprises unicellular, achlorophyllous, saprophytic microalgae, associated with infections in both humans and animals, collectively referred to as protothecosis. The growing incidence of protothecosis in both humans and animals, over the recent years, has led to a growing interest in the Prototheca algae.

The aim of the project is to asses pathogenic potential of the of Prototheca spp. algae. The tasks planned as part of the project combine in vitro studies using mammalian cell lines and in vivo studies, on a murine animal model. The results of the project will allow to better understand the mechanisms of infection due to these opportunistic pathogens.