Mikrofluidyka w bioremediacji?
01 12 2020
Kategoria: Seminarium IM
W poniedziałek, 7. grudnia, zapraszamy na seminarium Instytutu Mikrobiologii, na którym mgr Luca Potenza z Zakładu Mikrobiologii i Biotechnologii Środowiskowej wygłosi referat pt. “Development of optical assays for microfluidic enrichment of bacteria useful in bioremediation”.
Environmental microbial samples are complex and abundant source of strains for biotechnology industry and bioremediation. Screening bioconversion properties of a large number of unknown species is however a challenging task. Classical methods of bacteria isolation and enrichment are relatively expensive, low-throughput and do not provide much information of phenotypes of microbial consortium. Droplet microfluidics is a relatively novel technology which allows performing biochemical assays inside stable microdroplets and therefore have potential to be applied as an ultra high throughput isolation and selection platform of the microbial populations with certain metabolic properties.
Seminarium odbędzie się w trybie zdalnym z wykorzystaniem aplikacji Zoom o godz. 14.00. Link do spotkania można uzyskać, wysyłając zgłoszenie na adres seminariumim@uw.edu.pl