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Housekeeping genes i psychrofilność bakterii

Kategoria: Seminarium IM

Zapraszamy na kolejne seminarium Instytutu Mikrobiologii. które odbędzie się w poniedziałek, 18. stycznia. Dr Jarosław Pankowski z Zakładu Wirusologii Molekularnej wygłosi referat pt. “Application of psychrophilic housekeeping genes for generation of temperature sensitive strains”.

The idea of creating a genetic mechanism acting as a kill switch for microorganisms has been around for a long time. It is related to the problems of human health, environmental integrity, and the necessity of biocontainment. In the past decades, alleles of housekeeping genes obtained from psychrophilic bacteria have been successfully used to generate temperature-sensitive strains of mesophilic microbes. It is believed that products of genes that evolved in a low-temperature environment accumulate mutations that prevent them from functioning at elevated temperatures. Since the altered organisms rely on these products to survive their growth is efficiently stopped at restrictive conditions. This technique can be easily utilized for viruses, bacteria and eukaryotes, allowing it to find a variety of applications.

Seminarium odbędzie się w trybie zdalnym z wykorzystaniem aplikacji Zoom o godz. 14.00. Link do spotkania można uzyskać, wysyłając zgłoszenie na adres seminariumim@uw.edu.pl