The impact of modified dsRNA on mammalian cells

Opublikowano 2023-11-14 w IM Seminar
We would like to invite you to the institute seminar: on Monday 20th of November at 2 pm in Faculty Council room, MSc Julia Cieślicka from the Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology will give a seminar entitled „ The impact of epitranscriptomic modifications on dsRNA recognition by the innate immune system in mammalian cells ”.
The recent COVID pandemic has made it clear that viruses are one of the biggest threats to people’s health as well as posing serious problems for healthcare systems worldwide. Zoonotic and epidemic diseases such as COVID-19, flu and many others are caused by highly pathogenic RNA viruses. During the replication of RNA viruses, highly immunogenic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules are produced. The recognition of dsRNA depends on three divergent, overlapping RNA sensing pathways, namely MAVS-, PKR- and OAS/RNaseL-depended pathways. My research focuses on studying the cellular response upon introduction of the dsRNA bearing different epitranscriptomic modifications and examining how the studied modifications affect the above-mentioned RNA recognition pathways.