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Bionawozy i poprawa jakości biologicznej gleby

Kategoria: Seminarium IM

Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium instytutowe: w najbliższy poniedziałek 17 stycznia o godz. 14.00 dr Klaudia Dębiec-Andrzejewska z Zakładu Mikrobiologii i Biotechnologii Środowiskowej poprowadzi seminarium pt. „Opracowanie bionawozów dedykowanych poprawie jakości biologicznej gleb”.

Abstract: The composition and activity of the soil microbiota play a key role both in the plants growth-promoting and assessing the remediation potential of contaminated soils. One of the ways to improve the condition of the soil microbiome is the appropriate fertilization of the soil. Current soil supplementation with nutrients seems to be still insufficient due to the low efficiency or bioavailability of chemical fertilizers. For this reason, fertilizer products stimulating the activity of soil microbiota are highly sought, which would have a positive effect both on the general condition of plants and the efficiency of bioremediation of contaminated soils.

The main aim of the conducted studies, is the development of the low-input and environmentally friendly organic biocomponents – siderophores, stimulating the activity of the soil microbiota. The produced biocomponents will be used as supplements improving the quality of currently available liquid fertilizers. In the frame of the project, the production of two independent biofertilizers is planned: the first will be dedicated to plant growth promotion, the second one, to increase the efficiency of bioremediation of contaminated soils.

The project involves the realization of 8 research stages, which include both application and development tasks. The application tasks include (i) development of technology for low-cost production of siderophores, (ii) development of the final composition of biofertilizers, (iii) examination of their physical and chemical stability, and (iv) verification of their properties in the regeneration, vegetation and column tests. Development researches include (i) the production of the biocomponents in a continuous system, (ii) the construction of a laboratory prototype installation for biofertilizers production and (iii) market analysis (feasibility study) to prepare the product for implementation.

The final effect of the project will be multifunctional biocomponents and biofertilizers, applicable in agriculture and the environmental remediation industry.

The above mentioned studies are realized in the frame of the LIDER project No. LIDER/13/0051/L-11/19/NCBR/2020 funded by the National Center for Research and Development (Poland).