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Tracking the reservoir of non-tuberculous mycobacteria

Category: IM Seminar

You are invited to the institute seminar – MSc Paulina Wójtowicz from the Department of Medical Microbiology will present a seminar on Tracking the reservoir of non-tuberculous mycobacteria – environmental and molecular studies”.

The seminar will take place on 12th of December at 14:00 in room 102B.

Abstract: Except those responsible for tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, MTBC) and leprosy, all mycobacteria are collectively called nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). They are widely distributed in the natural environment and urbanized areas – mostly associated with water (distribution systems). Both saprophytes and opportunistic pathogens of animals and humans can be found among over 200 already identified NTM species. Persons suffering from pulmonary disorders (e.g. COPD, cystic fibrosis), HIV/AIDS positive and other immunocompromised individuals are prone to NTM infections. Lung disease is most common, but NTM infections can also affect lymphatic nodes and soft tissues or have a disseminated form. The clinical manifestation of mycobacterioses is similar to tuberculosis (TB), thus the diagnosis is usually due to MTBC exclusion – therefore, the epidemiological data is underestimated.

Despite a falling incidence of TB, an increasing trend of NTM infections is being observed worldwide. The relationship between distribution in ecosystems and epidemiological potential of NTM is still unclear. This project aims to detect the reservoirs of NTM in natural, household and hospital environments in Poland, characterize (species-wise) their diversity, and determine the spread of antimicrobial resistance among isolated NTM.