Improvement of the biological quality of soil

20 11 2024
Category: IM Seminar
You are invited to the institute seminar: next Monday, 25th of November at 2 pm MSc Marcin Musiałowski from the Department Geomicrobiology will present a seminar on “Development of the biofertilizers dedicated to the improvement of the biological quality of soil”.
The fitness of the soil microbiota plays a key role both in the plant growth-promoting and assessing the remediation potential of contaminated soils. One of the ways to improve the condition of the soil microbiome is the appropriate soil fertilization, which is still insufficient due to the low efficiency of chemical fertilizers. For this reason, new products stimulating the activity of soil microbiota are highly sought, applicable both in agriculture and bioremediation of contaminated soils.
The main practical aim of studies is to develop the low-input and sustainable biocomponents – siderophores, using psychrotolerant Pseudomonas strain. The biocomponents will be used as supplements improving the quality of liquid fertilizers available on the market. Supplementation of fertilizers with the developed biocomponents would contribute to the development of fertilizer products intended to improve the condition of indigenous soil microbiota, which will positively affect both the promotion of crop growth and the efficiency of bioremediation of contaminated soils. The main scientific goals of studies include also gaining better understanding of siderophore production by psychrotolerant bacteria and siderophore interaction with soil matrix.
The above-mentioned studies are realized in the frame of the LIDER project No. LIDER/13/0051/L-11/19/NCBR/2020 funded by the National Center for Research and Development (Poland).