High-throughput method of microbial single-cell sequencing

31 05 2023
Category: IM Seminar
You are invited to the institute seminar: on Monday 5th of June at 2 pm in room 102B, MSc Marcin Małkowski from the Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology will give a seminar entitled „Development of novel high-throughput method of microbial single-cell sequencing for studying microbial communities and host-pathogen interactions”.
The development of single-cell sequencing technologies revolutionizes biology and medicine, mainly allowing for a more detailed examination of cell transcriptomes. New types and states of cells are being discovered, cellular atlases are being created, and the number of cells that can be analyzed continues to grow. While there are many methods available for effectively studying transcriptomes in eukaryotic cells, applying these methods to bacterial cells is challenging due to significant differences in the structure and characteristics of bacterial RNA. The aim of this project is to develop, optimize, and apply a high-throughput total transcriptome VASA-seq method, and its implementation for analysis of bacterial cells. The second stage of the project will aim to test universal protocol for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells, which will eventually enable the study of microbiological communities and even joint profiling of eukaryotic cells and bacteria, such as macrophages infected with intracellular pathogens.