Powerful tool for RNA biology investigation

12 04 2023
Category: IM Seminar
We would like to invite you to the institute seminar: on Monday 17th of April at 2 pm, dr Paweł Sikorski from the Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology will give a seminar entitled „Powerful tool for RNA biology investigation: in vitro transcribed RNA”.
Abstract: In vitro transcribed RNA (IVT RNA) is a promising therapeutic agent with potential use in cancer immunotherapies, gene therapies, and prevention of viral infections. However utilization of IVT RNA goes far beyond its therapeutic application. It can be successfully used as a tool to study cellular RNA related processes. Appropriately prepared and purified IVT RNA capped with particular structures enables to investigate the impact of modification within transcript 5’ end on mRNA fate. Moreover, using double stranded RNAs generated from IVT RNAs allows us to study how chemical modifications of viral RNA influence its sensing and stability in infected cells. Answers we have already obtained will be presented and what we can learn in the future about RNA related processes using IVT RNA will be discussed.