Microorganisms in cryoconites

31 05 2021
Category: IM Seminar
Today, during the seminar, Ewa Poniecka, PhD, from Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology will give a talk about “An insight into Black Holes on Glaciers: Microorganisms in Cryoconite Holes”
Glaciers and ice sheets harbour a variety of habitable niches for microorganisms. An example of such niches are cryoconite holes, regarded as hotspots of microbial processes on glacier surfaces. Cryoconite holes are miniature freshwater aquatic ecosystems that host a relatively diverse microbial community. Are these habitats as simple as they seem? How do microorganisms function in these habitats? Will they survive the future melt of glaciers?
You are welcome to join us!
The seminar will be held online via Zoom application at 14:00. If you’re interested in receiving an invitation, send an e-mail about that at seminariumim@uw.edu.pl.