How the love for proteins transform a biochemist into a microbiologist?

04 10 2023
Category: IM Seminar
We would like to invite you to the institute seminar: on Monday 16th of October at 2 pm in room 102B, dr. Takao Ishikawa from the Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology will give a seminar entitled „How the love for proteins transform a biochemist into a microbiologist?”.
As a new employee of the Institute of Microbiology, I will present the results of research I conducted previously at the Institute of Biochemistry and share the key principles of the research topic I am currently working on at the Institute of Microbiology. It will turn out that the experience gained while working at the Institute of Biochemistry will be very useful in the research conducted at the Institute of Microbiology. The research I have just started at the Institute of Microbiology focuses on the bioprospecting of enzymes active at low temperatures.