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GRIEG, JPIAMR and OPUS21 grants for Dr Lukasz Dziewit

Category: Grants

Dr Lukasz Dziewit, the Director of Institute of Microbiology and Head of the Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology got 3 grants in last week, including 2 with international collaborators!

Dr Dziewit and his team will start the following grants in 2022:


Project INDEPTH. Life at the limits: diversity, adaptation strategies and bioprospecting of microbes living in Arctic deep sea habitats” will be coordinated by prof. T. Kaczorowski from University of Gdansk and includes collaborators from Institute of Bioorganic Chemsitry, Polish Academy of Sciences, (W. Rypniewski), University of Bergen (I. Steen) and University of Warsaw (L. Dziewit).


Project PhageLand. Phage treatment and wetland technology as intervention strategy to prevent dissemination of antibiotic resistance in surface waters” will be coordinated by C. Borrego (Catalan Institute for Water Research, Hiszpania) and includes collaborators from University of Warsaw (L. Dziewit), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (M. Grzesiuk-Bieniek), KU Leuven (Rob Lavigne), Quadram Institute Bioscience (E. Adriaenssens), Delft University of Technology (D. Weissbrodt), Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (A. Ferdohleb). You can learn more about the project on JPIAMR webiste (link JPIAMR site dedicated PhageLand).


Project “Role of extracellular DNA, generated during communal wastes treatment, in dissemination of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes in aquatic ecosystems”. Dr Dziewit is a coordinator of the consortium which includes research groups from  AGH University of Science and Technology (T. Bajda) and Warsaw University of Life Sciences (M. Grzesiuk-Bieniek).