Dr. Magdalena Zalewska is guest editor of the special issue of “Pathogens” journal

30 04 2021
Category: Bez kategorii
Dr. Magdalena Zalewska from the Department of Bacterial Physiology was invited to edit a special issue of the Pathogens journal. A special issue will be published under the title “Emerging Infections in Small Ruminants”
Within this Issue, dr. M. Zalewska intends to expand our understanding of the epidemiology of small ruminant infectious diseases (e.g., the etiological factors, geographical spread, animal reservoirs, transmission routes, the effect on animal products). Studies contributing to better understanding the origin of diseases, detailed mechanisms of the host immune response, new diagnostic tools, treatment methods, or prevention strategies are also welcome.
You are cordially invited to send your work. More information available on the journal webpage: