Biochemical treatment of leachates of spent alkaline batteries

23 04 2021
Category: IM Seminar
Zhendong Yang from Department of Environemtnal Microbiology and Biotechnology will present the resulsts his PhD thesis during our next seminar, 26.04.2021. He will give a talk entitled “Biochemical treatment of leachates from hydrometallurgical recycling of spent alkaline batteries”.
My doctoral thesis focuses on the environmentally-friendly recovery of metals from waste and side streams by hydrometallurgical processes, and further reducing the hazardous impacts caused by the uncontrolled release of metals to the local ecosystems. A novel (bio)technology was developed, which can help to manage all the by-products and waste materials generated during the hydrometallurgical processes, that are characterized by low pH, and a high concentration of metal ions (including Fe 2+) and sulfates. The implementation of the technology provides three separate by-products, recovered from the leachate: (i) an iron-based sorbent, which will be used for water and wastewater treatment; (ii) metal sulfides, which constitute a valuable source of metals and will be used in the metallurgical industry; and (iii) elemental sulfur, which can be applied in the agricultural soil amendment. In addition, the treated water is neutral and contaminants-free and can be re-used in the technological pipeline.
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The seminar will be held online via Zoom application at 14:00. If you’re interested in receiving an invitation, send an e-mail about that on