Cyanobacteria biocalcification

16 01 2025
Category: IM Seminar
We would like to invite you to the institute seminar: on Monday 14th of October at 2 pm in 102B room, dr. Marcin Syczewski from the Department Geomicrobiology will present a seminar entitled „Cyanobacteria Biocalcification and Its Importance in Geology”.
Biocalcification is a type of biomineralization during which living organisms produce mineral phases or it is modifying environmental physicochemical parameters in a way, that phase crystallization is possible. In this case, biocalcification living organisms are producing calcium carbonates. Cyanobacteria are one of the most abundant groups of microorganisms in the world, which produce calcium carbonates. They induce an influence on biocalcification as a result of photosynthesis. Investigation of biocalcification processes and pathways by cyanobacteria is important because they have a huge impact on element cycles in natural environments especially on CO2 uptake from the atmosphere. Nowadays problems with CO2 emission into the atmosphere and our fight against its increase, investigating biocalcification by cyanobacteria may help us develop different approaches and ways to decrease CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Moreover, such studies may help us understand if cyanobacteria are our ally or enemy in this fight. Nevertheless, throughout Earth’s history, cyanobacteria had a huge impact on rock formations.