The mechanism that introduces disulfide bonds in Campylobacter jejuni

17 05 2021
Category: IM Seminar
Today, during the seminar, MSc Anna Banaś from the Department of Bacteria Genetics will give a talk about “Unraveling the mechanism that introduces disulfide bonds in Campylobacter jejuni – interactions between Dsb proteins“.
Disulfide bonds generation is one of the most common posttranslational modification – this step is crutial for many bacterial proteins to form proper tertiary structure. In bacterial periplasmic space Dsb proteins are responsible for this process. The aim of presented work was to reveal the mechanism of disulfide bond generation in human pathogen – Campylobacter jejuni cells. Understanding the role of each protein and investigating protein interactions seems to be crucial to elucidate the importance of Campylobacter proteins modification, including virulence factors.
You are welcome to join us, although the seminar will be held in Polish!
The seminar will be held online via Zoom application at 14:00. If you’re interested in receiving an invitation, send an e-mail about that at